Rumbling Groaning Ice

I woke today to blue skies and a gorgeous sunrise in hues of pinks and reds in stark contrast from the white of the landscape. When the sun finally crested the mountains around 11am the temperature gauge read -13°F and there was a vast silence across the lake. The wilderness beckoned me to play, so I strapped on my skis and my backpack and slid across the snow covered frozen lake on a solo ski for the afternoon. 

I soon found myself in the middle of a huge white expanse far from the secure feeling of being close to the tree covered shoreline. As I glided across the surface I heard low rumblings in the distance. Quickly those rumblings surrounded me. Several nearby pings, as if a laser gun was being fired, followed by a something that sounded like a large thin piece of metal being shaken, a metallic like thunder. I recognized these sounds and reminded myself that the groaning and rumbling of the ice were good noises, sounds that indicated further freezing of the lake which was already over a foot thick in many areas. But when the rumbling rippled beneath my feet and vibrated up my body I couldn't help but let out a few freaked out words as I picked up my pace and changed course.

I calmed myself and began to visualize the freezing process that was taking place beneath my feet and in all directions that I could see. I snickered at my fearful reaction and began to enjoy the music of the ice that filled my ears and the vibrations beneath me as I traveled. I soon fell into a rhythm of sliding my legs and pushing my arms while my breath became a steady pattern. I cleared my mind of all rambling thoughts and focused on my breath and the emptiness of my environment. I moved in meditation. A calmness washed through me and a spark of joy and gratitude began to burn brighter inside of me. 

I returned home a couple of hours later relaxed, refreshed and reenergized. I was filled with happiness and contentment, as I often am after I spend time alone in the woods. I am so grateful for my many opportunities to live a life outdoors.